A Little Disclamer and Intro

This is a PRO Atheism blog. If having Religion and it’s beliefs questioned and refuted offends you, and you do not wish to be offended then you have stumbled upon the wrong page and should navigate away now. If you choose to stay and interact then realize that you chose to do so. I made this blog because I wish to share my ideas and have conversations, but I refuse to FORCE my beliefs on others, so I settled upon a medium where a “listener” can turn away without anyone making them listen.Image

Religion is Something that I have always been interested in, I have always asked questions and tried to grasp why and how it all works. I went to Catholic school from 7th grade until I graduated and still had questions, so to that end I got a BA Degree in religious studies (studying at 2 different universities). No one has been able to satisfactorily give me reason when presenting religion, but I still to this day find the topic fascinating. However, I also find that as I am getting older my fascination is being matched by frustration. I am increasingly growing less able to give religion a free pass and just let it be. 

I used to be able to live and let live, I thought that religion was just a belief system that served as a comfort and guide to many and that as such should I should do my best not to offend anyone and let people believe. I am revising that opinion. Why am I changing my mind? A large part of the reason that I am changing my mind is that I can no longer turn a blind eye to the harm religion causes, and I am realizing that even if a believer does not directly support this harm and professes that those who do are not “true” believers they are not seeing the whole picture. I can not support or tolerate a belief structure that encourages or allows repressing people, hurting people, lying, stagnation or inaction. If they are not directly involved religious followers still aid in these behaviors with financial support either by donations or purchases and spread the message by giving attention to speakers, preachers, broadcasts, music and any other source of religious information.

Beyond the direct and obvious harm of war, murder, rape and slavery and the hatred that religions have caused I get frustrated by the refusal to adapt and to act. As an example whenever I hear of someone who is in need of help and someone responds “I’ll keep you in my prayers” I want to scream at them to DO Something. All the time and energy spent praying, going to Church to ask a Deity for help, or reading a Holy Book for answers could be spent actually helping RIGHT NOW not waiting for intervention. If all the millions of believers put that energy and devotion into taking action – making this world a better place rather than praying for it or lamenting that it can not be because there is a lack of faith then there could be a real difference. If people could stop arguing about which book has the right stories and look for proof to back up ideas then perhaps there could be beliefs that everyone could agree on. The circular logic and the inability to back down or change a belief makes religion infuriating – Trying to teach peace and love through stories of hate or violence makes for a strange and often dangerous view on moral superiority that still allows for plenty of hate and pain. As an extra frustrating bonus, there is always asking for forgiveness and repentance if it turns out that you were wrong or if someone gets hurt. An Atheist does not have that luxury, they have to live with the choices they make always and if those choices are bad then they have no one to forgive them, no way to make it alright. Where is that sense of personal responsibility in religion and why is the lack of such a good thing?


As a last note this blog will talk mostly about Religion and God(s) and probably focus mostly on Christianity because I live in the U.S and that is the predominant faith that I encounter. I will also make posts about topics that are related to religious beliefs but may not be religion and if/when I do so I will include an explanation of why I am making the post and how it relates to religion and Atheism (at least how I feel it relates, this is a blog after all which means my OPINION.)

Here is hoping to meet and talk with open minded people, Atheists or Believers. 

Threatening comments will not elicit a response from me, I do not have the time or energy to waste.